Builder's tasks in the acceptance phase of the building.

A timely quality control and partial acceptance by the site management guarantees a quality building.

The first and most important act of the builder prior to commencement of construction is the signature under the construction contract and its annexes, which in fact and legally is the basis for a reasonable agreement with the contracting construction company and a successful construction. On the one hand, the contract documents should provide a sound working basis for both parties and their representatives and, on the other hand, incorporate all eventualities in order to have, if necessary, a pragmatic solution and a clarification of the problem at hand.

A lawyer working in Mallorca prepares the construction contract by prior arrangement with the architects for the client. The negotiation of the building contract should always be the first priority of the client in order to understand and influence all connections among the participants. For this purpose, the timely translation of the construction contract and the specifications in its national language is urgently recommended before conclusion of the contract. The translation costs are usually a minimum of their costs, which can arise later due to misunderstandings and errors.

As part of the construction contract, in addition to the last offer and the complete tender documents, the general technical building regulations, a schedule with binding completion dates and an interface definition to other exporting companies are included. True to the motto: The more accurate the documents, the less space there is for misunderstandings or a one-sided misinterpretation of the tasks and rights of both contracting parties. The accuracy of the documents, however, is not defined by mass of paper, but by a timely examination of the documents and a pragmatic sense of the feasible and acceptable among Spanish construction companies.

The construction company usually hands in at the start of construction a payment plan in which the estimated building costs are listed to the client on a monthly basis. This plan should be updated regularly and serves the client to provide the necessary funds for the payment of the budget bills. The signature of the client under the monthly and audited installment invoices of the contractor give his consent to the performance and to the payment of this.

Remuneration of all other service providers, such as construction supervisors and architects, should also follow the construction progress. A definition of the tasks of the site management has, regardless of the official fee definition from the 60s, before the start of construction together and should be adapted to the effort and the type of building in the fees.

Any change in the design in terms of qualities and quantities must be approved in writing by the client prior to construction and discussed in advance with the architect in good time. This guarantees him a control and an overview of the construction. At the end of the construction work, the result is detailed planning, which is worked out by the planning architect. All other agreements are recorded in construction protocols and automatically become part of the contract.

Before the start of construction, the client must commission the person in charge of the safety and hygiene control of his construction site and, in addition, notify the Ministry of Labor of the start of construction work.

A building insurance in accordance with LOE 38/1999 is to be concluded by all builders who operate this construction work commercially. The homeowners do not need them, but they have to provide them for the remaining time of 10 years if they want to sell their dream home.

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